This Weeks Top Bites
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How it all started…
Hello there! I am Engers, and this is My Books Bites page. I originally started this project as a way to package leadership and management principles to my direct report leadership in a way that was easy for them to digest. In the process, I realized something… Why not offer this awesome tool to other people that will like to consume learning in a more effective way? So what I’ve done is condense books into what I call “Bites.” These are short, 500-700 word summaries of books that I’ve found super useful in my career and personal life. Because we have different ways we like to receive info, I offer them in three formats: text, audio, and a short visual. It’s my hope that you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed putting it together. And I truly hope this becomes a useful tool for you.
Today, we have thousands of people taking advantage of Bites’ philosophy to acquire knowledge, and we will like to welcome you to be part of our membership and no worries, it’s FREE! Enjoy.
A simpler way to knowledge!
Engers Fernandez
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